Szeklerland Lad's Dance Competition, ed. IX.

2023. October 5.

For the ninth time, the Lajtha László Foundation and the Háromszék Dance Ensemble are organising the Szeklerland Lad's Dance Competition, as part of the 33rd Folk Dance and Music Festival.

The dance competition will take place on Saturday 11 November at 10 am at Sepsi Arena.
Dance material: Korcsos Dance from Pălatca

The competition consists of two parts:

  1. Compulsory dance: the korcsos men's dance of Martin-Florin Codoba of Pălatca ( )
    The contestant has to form the stylistic features, the characteristic motifs and the way of dancing of the given dance, there is no bound process.
  2. Freely chosen korcsos and dense Hungarian dances from Pălatca.
    The contestant is free to build on any other traditional dance from Pălatca.

The following folklore databases, videos and music can help you in your preparation:…/Pala…/04_magyarpalatkai_suru_magyar.mp3 ,…/Palatkai/05_magyarpalatkai_korcsos.mp3 , , ,

The IXth Szeklerland Lad's Dance Competition awards prizes, including cash prizes:

  • "Outstanding Lad Dancer of the Year"
  • "Re-creator/individual performer of the korcsos dance from Pălatca"
  • "The Hungarian re-creator/individual performer of the dense Hungarian dance from Pălatca"
  • "Authentic performer of the male dances of Pălatca"
  • Special awards

How to apply:
The competition is open only to amateur dancers who are not dancing in a professional ensemble.
Deadline for application: 6 November 2023.
To apply, please fill in the following document:
(…/14hvdKkqdzPUsKNzJEZEE…/edit… ) and send it to .

Participation is free of charge.
For more information:
Melles Endre, tel. 0748668539,

Organiser: Lajtha László Foundation.
Partner: Háromszék Dance Ensemble

Sponsors : Bethlen Gábor Fund and Communitas Foundation


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