They cutting down the forest road...

They cutting down the forest road...
folk dance performance

In 2018 was the centenary of the end of the First World War, the last historical event that inspired the traditional communities to create. The experience of war exceedingly enriched the traditional folk dance and music. The folk songs related to the soldiery life, to the events like conscription or being on the razzle in the army, songs about the joy of the homecoming soldier, the weeper of the wife who had lost her husband, of the mother who’s son didn’t come home any more – a large number of folk songs and melodies were created in these years.

The folk dance performance of the Háromszék Dance Ensemble is a bitter-sweet remembrance, a traditional folkloric adventure exploring hungarian, romanian and gypsy folk dance and music of different regions in Transylvania (Gyergyó, Küküllő-mente, Sajó-mente, Észak-Mezőség).

Choreographers: Farkas Tamás m.v., Farkas Ágnes m.v., Kádár Ignác m.v., Nagypál Anett m.v., Tekeres Gizella, Melles Endre
Musical editor: Fazakas Levente
Songs: Erőss Judit, Berecz András
Orchestra: Fazakas Levente, Fazakas Albert, Szilágyi László, Bajna György
Director’s assistants: Tekeres Gizella, Melles Endre
Special thanks to Kelemen László and Berecz András for the musical contribution.

Director-choreographer: Ivácson László

Dancers: Gidró Roland, Hoffman Anna, Keresztes Gabriella, Kiss Adorján, Kocsis Lilla-Tünde, Lukács Réka, Lukács Tamás, Márton Csaba, Melles Endre, Oláh Ágota, Pável Hunor-Mihály, Pilinger Mónika, Podholiczky Rebeka Ráhel, Portik Norbert, Székely Edina-Emőke, Szvinyuk Sándor, Törő Bence, Ürmösi-Incze Mária-Terézia, Váradi Ágnes, Virág Imola

Sound technicians: Kelemen István, Vajda Attila
Light technician: Bedőházi Alpár
Stage and technical staff: Fegyver Botond, Maksai Gábor
Dressers: Kis Gabriella, Para Kinga
Stage manager: Kovács Adél
Dance masters: Tekeres Gizella, Melles Endre
Orchestra leader: Fazakas Levente
Artistic director: Ivácson László
Deputy director: Koszta Árpád
Director: Deák Gyula Levente

 The Háromszék Dance Ensemble is sustained by Covasna County Council. 

The production of the performance was financed by:

18 September 2018, 19:00 - Sf. Gheorghe, Háromszék Dance Studio

Future performances
