In November, we have a rich and varied programme for our audience in Sfântu Gheorghe, including the Folk Dance and Music Festival, guest performance and a new premiere.
We start the month with a guest performance by Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble. A folk dance adaptation of István Örkény's tragicomedy Tóték will be performed at the Tamási Áron Theatre on Wednesday, 2 November, at 6 pm.
After a two-year break, the Folk Music and Dance Festival will be held again on 11-12 November. The main programme of the event will take place on Saturday, the 12th of November at Sepsi Arena, where the organisers are expecting with a varied and colourful programme. The Danube Art Ensemble is our special guest, the dance company will enrich the programme of the 32nd FMDF with two performances.
Details and ticket info: 32. Népzene- és Néptánctalálkozó Sepsiszentgyörgyön – Háromszék Táncegyüttes (
November 15-én On strings c. folklórműsorunkkal lépünk fel a nagyszebeni közönség előtt a 17. Ars HUNGARICA kulturális fesztivál keretében. A vendégjátek megvalósítását a Bethlen Gábor Alap támogatja.
We are also preparing a new performance this month: the Tragedy, directed by Árpád Könczei, based on Imre Madách's drama The Tragedy of Man, will be presented on the 30th of November. Details coming soon!
2 November (Wednesday) 18:00 | Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble Tóték- guest performance | Sf. Gheorghe Tamási Áron Theatre |
11 November (Friday) 16:00- 02:00 | Folk Music and Dance Festival, ed. 32 | Sf. Gheorghe Tamási Áron Theatre |
12 November (Saturday) 10:00-02:00 | Folk Music and Dance Festival, ed. 32 | Sf. Gheorghe Arena Sepsi |
15 November (Tuesday) 19:00 | On strings | Sibiu Thalia Concert Hall ARS HUNGARICA |
30 November (Wednesday) 19:00 | Tragedy Premiere | Sf. Gheorghe, Háromszék Dance Studio |
Tickets for the performance can be purchased at the Central Ticket Office.
Opening hours: Monday and Wednesday from 08.00 to 16.00, Tuesday and Thursday from 08.00 to 18.00, Friday from 08.00 to 15.00, and one hour before performances. Phone number: 0267-312104.