Programmes for November

2022. October 28.

In November, we have a rich and varied programme for our audience in Sfântu Gheorghe, including the Folk Dance and Music Festival, guest performance and a new premiere. 

We start the month with a guest performance by Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble. A folk dance adaptation of István Örkény's tragicomedy Tóték will be performed at the Tamási Áron Theatre on Wednesday, 2 November, at 6 pm.

After a two-year break, the Folk Music and Dance Festival will be held again on 11-12 November. The main programme of the event will take place on Saturday, the 12th of November at Sepsi Arena, where the organisers are expecting with a varied and colourful programme. The Danube Art Ensemble is our special guest, the dance company will enrich the programme of the 32nd FMDF with two performances.

Details and ticket info: 32. Népzene- és Néptánctalálkozó Sepsiszentgyörgyön – Háromszék Táncegyüttes (

November 15-én On strings c. folklórműsorunkkal lépünk fel a nagyszebeni közönség előtt a 17. Ars HUNGARICA kulturális fesztivál keretében. A vendégjátek megvalósítását a Bethlen Gábor Alap támogatja.

We are also preparing a new performance this month: the Tragedy, directed by Árpád Könczei, based on Imre Madách's drama The Tragedy of Man, will be presented on the 30th of November. Details coming soon!


2 November (Wednesday)
Bekecs Folk Dance Ensemble
Tóték- guest performance
Sf. Gheorghe
Tamási Áron Theatre
11 November (Friday)
16:00- 02:00
Folk Music and Dance Festival, ed. 32Sf. Gheorghe
Tamási Áron Theatre
12 November (Saturday)
Folk Music and Dance Festival, ed. 32Sf. Gheorghe
Arena Sepsi
15 November (Tuesday)
On stringsSibiu
Thalia Concert Hall
30 November (Wednesday)
Sf. Gheorghe, Háromszék Dance Studio

 Tickets for the performance can be purchased at the Central Ticket Office.
Opening hours: Monday and Wednesday from 08.00 to 16.00, Tuesday and Thursday from 08.00 to 18.00, Friday from 08.00 to 15.00, and one hour before performances. Phone number: 0267-312104.

The Háromszék Dance Ensemble is officially sustained by:
The production of the performance Tragedy was sustained by:

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