
Guest performance by Bekecs Dance Theatre

2024. January 29.
The youngest professional dance company in Transylvania, the Bekecs Dance Theatre, dazzles audiences with its folk dance and dance theatre productions, as well as occasional prose-based performances. "Thrown between two worlds, to which one should I give my right hand, I don't know" - this is the Madách quote chosen by the creators as the motto of the performance "Who did you love, Madách?", which will be presented on 22 February at the Háromszék Dance Studio.

Programmes in February

2024. January 26.
This month we will present our new dance theatre performance ECCE HOMO in Sfântu Gheorghe and Târgu Secuiesc, Bekecs Dance Theatre will bring a guest performance, and on the 28th of February we will commemorate Petőfi with our folklore show "We will live free".

Mihály Munkácsy's paintings in the latest performance of the Háromszék Dance Ensemble

2024. January 25.
We start the year with an irregular dance theatre performance: choreographer Farkas Tamás from Békéscsaba, Hungary, and actor-director Tapasztó Ernő from Arad will present a unique interpretation of ten emblematic paintings by Munkácsy Mihály in the production ECCE HOMO. The premiere will take place on 29 January in Sfântu Gheorghe.

Programmes in January

2023. December 29.
We will surprise our audience with a new show in the first month of 2024. We won't forget the children either, with organised instrumental demonstrations by our orchestra on 16-17-18-25 January.

Beszámoló a IX. Székelyföldi Legényesversenyről

2023. December 08.
A Communitas Alapítvány és a Bethlen Gábor Alap támogatásának köszönhetően kilencedik alkalommal sikerült megrendezni a Székelyföldi Legényesversenyt 2023 novemberében Sepsiszentgyörgyön.

Programmes for December

2023. November 27.
The folklore performance Home in the Homeland is on stage again. In the last month of the year we will stage the production directed by Módos Máté and Módosné Almási Berta Csilla in the countryside and in Sf. Gheorghe.  

Programmes for November

2023. October 30.
The 33rd edition of the Folk Dance and Music Festival a children's show in Covasna, and a tour complete this month's programme.

33rd Edition of Folk Music and Dance Festival

2023. October 16.
We are trying to address folk music and folk dance lovers of all ages between 10-11 November 2023 in Sfântu Gheorghe. The State Folkloric Ensemble of Hungary will be the special guest of our 33rd meeting.

THE STATE FOLKLORIC ENSEMBLE OF HUNGARY: Kolozsvári piactéren (On the Market Square of Cluj)

2023. October 16.
The performance can be seen in the programme of the 33rd edition of the Folk Music and Dance Festival on Saturday, 11 November, from 20:00, on the main stage of the Sepsi Arena.


2023. October 16.
The performance can be seen at the 33rd edition of Folk Dance and Music Festival on Friday, 10 November at 19:00 in the main hall of the Tamási Áron Theatre.

Szeklerland Lad's Dance Competition, ed. IX.

2023. October 05.
For the ninth time, the Lajtha László Foundation and the Háromszék Dance Ensemble are organising the Szeklerland Lad's Dance Competition, as part of the 33rd Folk Dance and Music Festival.

Drawing competition for schoolchildren in the framework of the 33rd Folk Dance and Music Festival

2023. October 04.
The Folk Dance and Music Festival will take place for the 33rd time on 10-11 November 2023 in Sfântu Gheorghe, organised by Háromszék Dance Ensemble and the Lajtha László Foundation. In connection with the event, a drawing competition for schoolchildren aged 6-10 will be held under the title "Dancing heroes of fairy tales".