World Famous Redever

Dance performance for children

The violin broke and thus the world turned upside down. It might have been the fault of the ball. In any case, King Gyuri decides to marry off his beautiful daughters all at once, because too many weddings are expensive. In order to choose the most suitable partners, he organises a jousting tournament among the candidates and offers half of his kingdom to the winners. How many half kingdoms does a king have? It could be more, because the kingdom is big and there are many maidens for sale. The first test is football. We would think that Redever, our city's world-famous football star would have the best chance of winning, but the tournament has some surprises in store. Thanks to Master Lágyi, however, order will finally be restored. And who is this Master Lágyi? All we can tell you is that he was once a great magician.

László Csaba's thoughts on the performance:

This rapid change in the world is frightening to me. Deviance and the perception that everything in the world is 'allowed' is frightening, while deep down in our souls – despite all our freedom – we feel controlled and influenced. In fact we have no choice but to follow the idols on the screen, to behave, dress, have fun, love, sing or even play music as they do. We learn what's trendy, what's cool.

Unfortunately folk tradition is being willy-nilly absorbed in this great freedom, or simply destroyed, because it stands in the way of our changing values. This absorption, this disappearance happens unnoticed without advertising. In the old days, a community mostly created its own living space and entertainment, being constantly an active participant in it, and for the child the example to follow came from this community. The culture we now call folklore has been honed and crystallised over long centuries in these isolated communities.

Átmenthető-e ez az érték és életszemlélet a mába? Lehet-e ezt a továbbiakban is modellként használni? Ez számomra a mindenkori kihívás! René Girard, francia irodalmár, történész, antropológus és filozófus azt mondta: „Az egyetlen kultúra, ami igazából a miénk, nem az, amibe születtünk, hanem az a kultúra, aminek a modelljeit abban a korban tesszük magunkévá, amikor az utánzási vágyunk a legerősebb.”


King Gyuri – Bajna György
Rózsa – Ádám Júlia
Gabici – Gere Gabriella
Eszter – Both Eszter
Edina –  Márton Edina-Emőke
Lágyi, the magician – Szilágyi László
Levi – Fazakas Levente
Albi – Fazakas Albert
Redever – Fülöp Zoltán-József

Story masters: Molnár Szabolcs, Fazakas Misi, László Csaba
Magic: József Balázs (Gozefini)
Costume, set, props: Breteanu Cristina

Scenarist: Dósa Zoltán

Thanks to Eva Barto for her contribution to the set design!

Sound technicians: Kelemen István, Vajda Attila
Light technician: Bedőházi Alpár
Stage and technical staff: Fegyver Botond, Maksai Gábor
Dressers: Kis Gabriella, Para Kinga
Stage manager: Karácsony Endre

Dance masters: Tekeres Gizella, Márton Csaba
Orchestra leader: Fazakas Levente
Artistic director: Ivácson László
Literary secretary: Szőcs Ildikó
Performance organisers:k: Szilágyi László Béla, Tusa Adorján
Administrative manager: Kátai Jocó
Deputy director: Sipos Noémi
Director: Virág Endre

The Háromszék Dance Ensemble is officially sustained by:
The production of the performance was financed by:

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