Home in the Homeland

folklore performance

This is a big challenge. We are leaving the familiar landscapes of Transylvania, whose mountains and plains feel like home. We are leaving a region whose culture has been part of our lives since childhood and which we speak almost like a mother tongue. We head west, taking a deep dive into the world of the peasants there, which, although part of the same spiritual culture, has so many different values. We do this with as much dedication as the Bukovina or Visk Szeklers before us. We will encounter both ancient elements and the civilized traditions of new fashions, but we will also have the opportunity to show what we have brought from home.


1. Somogy

The villages in the hilly region between Lake Balaton and Dráva have preserved many old elements of the Hungarian dance treasure. Thus, we make a great journey both in time and space from Sfântu Gheorghe. During our pilgrimage we will see pair jumping, glass dancing and csárdás dancing.

2. Rimóc

Rimóc is one of the most unique settlements in the Highlands. The Hungarians who live here belong to the Palóc ethnic group, and their unique costume distinguishes them from other settlements in the area. They are unique not only in their appearance but also in their dances.

3. In the pastures of the Great Plain

You can see the dances of shepherds from Hortobágy and its surroundings. They are none other than owners of the secrets of the wilderness and reed beds. They are the ones who have the courage to live in the wilderness and have more freedom than the city dwellers.

4. Dances from Visk

It is a locality of the Hungarians of Transcarpathia, whose ancestors are none other than the Szeklers. Their culture has, of course, been shaped by time and local conditions, but their ancient roots are still there.

5. Dances from Bucovina

In the choreography we can see a taste of the dances of the Szeklers who migrated along the Danube, a group of people who have come a long way in their history, but still preserve their Szekler costumes, dances and music.

6. Magic of Gömör

In this composition, the Heveder orchestra refers to the magical world of Gömör folk music and highlights the values and richness of the folk dance music performed by László Molnár and his orchestra. Dynamic rhythms and sensitive melodies intertwine to create a musical journey that captivates the listener and transports him to the charming landscapes of the Gömör region.

7. Gypsies from Nagypalád

We get an insight into the atmosphere of a gypsy camp in a Hungarian settlement in Ukraine. The settlement, surrounded by the triple Hungarian-Ukrainian-Romanian border, has in many ways combined the various external influences they have been exposed to, which we present through their dances, Hungarian verbunk and gypsy dances.

8. Dances from Szeghalom

At the end of our journey, we return to the Great Plain, to a Hungarian village in Békés County. Verbunk and csárdás in Szeghalom represent a very exciting world of movement, which makes the village dances truly unique.


Director- choreographers: Módosné Almási Berta Csilla és Módos Máté
Co- creators: Kovács-Jelinek Emese, Kovács József, Nemcsényi Alíz, Heverdle Emese
Costumes: Zsuzska folksufnija, Paluchné Percze Piroska, Rimóczi Hajnalka
Music edited by: Heveder zenekar, Módos Máté

Dance company Abonyi Rebeka, Ádám Júlia, Balla Gergely, Drimba Máté, Gere Csaba, Gere Gabriella, Golicza Bernadett, Fazakas Mónika, Ferencz Péter, Fülöp Zoltán-József, Kiss Adorján, Kocsis Lilla-Tünde, Lukács Réka, Márton Csaba, Márton Edina Emőke, Melles Endre, Pável Hunor-Mihály, Portik-Cseres Norbert, Simó Eszter, Vitályos Dorottya

Heveder Band: Fazakas Levente, Fazakas Albert, Szilágyi László, Bajna György

Poster design: Felső Boróka

Premieres: 16 and 18 June, 2023- Háromszék Dance Studio


  • Nyíregyházi FolkFélHét 2023 Festival - Nyíregyháza, 20 August, 2023 (HU)
  • VeszprémFOLK 2023 Festival - Veszprém, 16 September, 2023 (HU)
  • Boundless Dance Capital Festival - Budapest, House of Traditions, 27 October 2024 (HU)
The Háromszék Dance Ensemble is officially sustained by:
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